About us

Active Minds Global is a leading business in the well-being industry that has developed cutting-edge audio entrainment products to support your cognitive function and mental performance. We are passionate about supporting our customers in the following areas:

  1. NeuroLearn+® for anyone looking to support optimal student learning, academic performance or to assist with learning & behavioral difficulties;
  2. WorkSharp® for professionals and workers who are looking to perform at their best at work, overcome stress and maintain a healthy work/life balance; and
  3. RevitaMind® for seniors concerned about cognitive decline as well as post-natal mothers, people recovering from illness and in fact anyone looking to stay sharp and feel alive.

Active Minds is all about helping you to be at your very best every day. Too many people live their lives passively on autopilot, or otherwise in a continually stressed out state of what we refer to as ‘Beta Frazzle’.

Our mission is to raise awareness of the proven benefits of properly engineered brainwave entrainment technology and make our products as accessible and easy to use as possible. We provide the very best audio entrainment technology available globally from the world’s leading brainwave engineer. Whether you are wanting to be at your best academically, succeed in your working life, or otherwise get the most out of your senior years, our products will provide you with what you need to achieve that.

Audio brainwave entrainment is the only thing we do and we do it exceptionally well.

Morry Zelcovitch – Technical Director & Co-founder

Morry is one of the true pioneers of the audio entrainment field and is the creative genius behind the audio technology developed for NeuroLearn+, WorkSharp and RevitaMind.

He has been at the forefront of the brainwave entrainment field for over twenty years and takes great pride in his unique and proprietary approach to audio entrainment.

“As one of the few certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineers on the planet, I can state with certainty that there is no truer or deeper method of brainwave entrainment shared – publicly or otherwise – nor provided with more consideration for the ‘end user’ experience. Every aspect of these recordings and the technology behind them has been carefully designed to produce the greatest cognitive benefits for our customers. My goal is to bring the proven benefits of properly engineered brainwave entrainment into every home.”

Our values:

  1. First, do no harm. The use of our technology is completely safe and if you follow the listening instructions you should only receive positive benefits over time. Please contact us in the unlikely event you experience any discomfort with regular use.
  2. Help to enrich peoples’ lives through providing the benefits of properly engineered audio entrainment technology in the most high quality yet cost-effective manner.  Everything from the way the audio entrainment technology has been created through to the listening instructions and our value-added Articles section will ensure you receive the best possible entrainment effect and not waste your money on ineffective products.
  3. Avoid the grossly exaggerated promises made by typical brainwave entrainment products available on the web.  Our products do what they say they do and we back that up with a purchase price refund policy.
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